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How to Deal with Perfectionism


If you’re wondering how to deal with perfectionism in your life, read on… Being a perfectionist can significantly impact and stifle creativity.

Perfectionists set impossibly high standards for themselves, as well as others. The fear of making mistakes or producing work that doesn’t meet one’s own high standards can lead to procrastination, over planning, inaction and creative blocks.

Perfectionists often struggle with self-criticism, doubting their abilities and fearing failure, which can prevent them from taking risks and experimenting with new ideas. This fear of imperfection can hinder the exploratory nature of the creative process.

Moreover, the constant pursuit of perfection can lead to burnout and stress, reducing overall productivity and creative output. Perfectionists may spend excessive time revising and refining their work, making it challenging to meet deadlines or move on to new projects.

There are many things we can do to deal with perfectionism. Balancing the desire for perfection with the acceptance of imperfection is crucial for fostering creativity. Embracing mistakes as part of the learning process and allowing for experimentation can help perfectionists unlock their creative potential, leading to more innovative and original work.

So let’s get comfortable with making mistakes and failing forward!

*Note: I REALLY wanted to re-do the video because my cat, Luna made an appearance in the background unbeknownst to me.  However, in order to deal with perfectionism, I decided to leave it as is.  🙂

Luna says Hello!

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