Entries by Natalie Nokomis

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Enhance your Creativity in 3 Easy Steps

   If you’re on a mission to enhance your creativity, you’ve landed on the right post! Enhancing your creativity can be a transformative journey. Here are three effective ways to tap into your creative potential: 1) Spend Time by Yourself Solitude can be a powerful catalyst for creativity. When you spend time alone, you […]

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The 5 Benefits of Shadow Work

   In this vlog episode, we explore the 5 benefits of shadow work. Carl Jung’s theory of the shadow self is a fundamental concept in analytical psychology, it delves into the unconscious aspects of the personality. The shadow self represents the repressed, hidden, or denied parts of our psyche that we often disown or […]

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Why you Should Let Go of Toxic Relationships

  When you let go of toxic relationships, you’re taking a powerful action toward personal growth, mental well-being, and emotional health. Toxic relationships, whether in friendships, family dynamics, or professional settings, can drain your energy and impact your self-esteem. It’s important to recognize that not everyone is meant to stay in your life forever, and […]

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3 Ways Traveling Enhances Creativity

   Traveling enhances creativity by exposing us to diverse cultures, food, people, environments, and experiences, all of which serve as powerful catalysts for innovative and open-minded thinking. When you step out of your comfort zone and explore new places, you build confidence and lose fear. Encountering different cultures and interacting with new people broadens […]